TecnolynxGlobal Pvt. Ltd. (Tecnolynx)

Providing All Customised Business

Solutions on Web & Mobile

Tecnolynx Services

Tecnolynx, as the name suggest in texting terminology, aim to link or bridge the gap between businesses and cutting-edge technologies. The Tecnolynx approach is simple and straight forward, take genuine care of customers and use the wealth of experience on multiple technologies, products and systems to support business needs of customers. We passionately follow a holistic approach in delivering customer centric solutions, that are of high quality, fits the business needs and are affordable to our clients.

Tecnolynx focus on implementing solutions based on open source technologies as these technologies are widely adapted
by start-ups as well as the industry giants. The openness of these technologies and the selfless support of contributors & community encouraged us to embrace these technologies and advocate the same to our customers.


We Proffer are Indubitable

We Can Prove our Excellence at

When given the opportunity to provide you with services such as application development, digital marketing, content services, software services, management services, and so on, we can assure you that you will be completely satisfied with our services and will return to us whenever you require assistance.

Specially Crafted Ideas

We Create the Difference

Software Solutions

We develop solutions based on open-source software, legacy platforms, 3rd party integrations and technologies of your preference.

Database Management

Our database technology expertise includes Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle. MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Postgre SQL and Azure Cosmos DB

Web Design and Digital Marketing

We design websites that provide enhanced visual experience, project brand identity, and engage your visitors. Our digital marketing services include search engine marketing (SEM), pay per click (PPC) campaigns, social media management and more.

Consultation & Management

Leverage the potential of technology expertise and years of experience in IT services of our engineers to add value in areas which may be outside of your core business.

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