TecnolynxGlobal Pvt. Ltd. (Tecnolynx)

Expand your business with eCommerce Marketplace

The E-commerce marketplace, also known as online e-commerce marketing, is a location or website where different brands of items from various sellers, companies, or individuals are shown on the same platform.

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e-Commerce Marketplace with us

The E-commerce marketplace, also known as online e-commerce marketing, is a location or website where customers may buy items from a variety of sellers, companies, or individuals all on one platform.
Customers and transactions are handled by the marketplace owner, but production and shipping are handled by third-party vendors.The Online Marketplace accelerates the manufacturing process by allowing producers to sell their products directly to consumers, bypassing the inefficient stock-holding procedure. Drop shipping is a term used to describe this approach of supply chain management.
A single software architecture powers the whole marketplace, allowing all merchants to sell their products through a single website. In terms of income, these businesses take a share of all product sales made across all channels.
email marketing for ecommerce marketplace

Types of e-commerce marketplace we develop

buyers marketplace

Buyer oriented E-marketplace

This marketplace is maintained by a group of buyers who are looking to create a more efficient buying environment.This allows consumers to save money on administrative expenditures and negotiate better pricing with suppliers.

sellers marketplace

Supplier oriented E-marketplace

A large group of suppliers runs this marketplace in order to develop an effective sales channel, increase their exposure, and generate leads from a huge number of potential customers.A supplier-oriented e-marketplace also known as supplier directory is a type of supplier-focused e-marketplace that may be searched by product or service.

Vertical and horizontal E-marketplace

Vertical and horizontal E-marketplace

Through vertical e-marketplaces, companies may have access to each section of a certain business sector, such as automotive, chemical, construction, or textiles. Using a vertical e-marketplace to buy or sell helps boost operational efficiency while lowering supply chain, inventory, and procurement costs and time.

Independent E-marketplace

Independent E-marketplace

It's generally a third-party run business-to-business web platform that connects buyers and sellers in a certain sector.You may sign up for these platforms to have access to classified advertisements, obtain quotes, and put bids on a variety of items in your business.

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launch an E-commerce marketplace?


of E-commerce marketplace

A marketplace enables business or platform operators to take a share of the items sold by vendors, hence expanding profit margins enormously.

E-marketplaces make the purchase process more transparent by making information such as product pricing and stock availability available on a single platform in an open environment.

More opportunities for suppliers and buyers to form new commercial partnerships within and across their supply chains.

The internet platform, which is available 24 hours a day, eliminates time limits for trading across regions.

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